Georgia 9-1-1 Directors Association Minutes
December 18, 2018
Vote by Email
In accordance with current Bylaws Adopted 2013:
At the last scheduled meeting of each year an election of officers shall occur. Prior to seeking office a candidate must submit a letter of support from their appointing authority.
If the Board member is seeking re-election to the same post or another position on the executive board, and their CEO, or Commission Chair, Mayor, etc…, has not changed since the original support letter, then an email to the election committee will be sufficient.
Section 4. Election of Officers
One month prior to the elections in December the President will request from the current officers that are up for re-election.
4.1 If they intend to seek re-election of office.
4.2 Email all known member email addresses requesting if any person is interested in running for any upcoming elections.
4.3 Give a deadline for any interested person either seeking a vacated position or running against any incumbent a time line.
4.4 If there is not any opposition and the incumbent wishes to remain in office the board will vote to re-elect the member at the last meeting of the year.
4.5 If there is opposition the board will take a vote from (board members) on a written ballot to determine who the elected person will be.
4.6 If a quorum is not present at the last meeting of the year the president shall call for a vote via email (before year end) that could include a vote on any item listed above from 4.4 to 4.5.
In following (4) 4.6 President Whitaker called for the 2018 election vote via email.
Election Candidates Georgia 911 Directors Association Board Members.
Office terms will be for 2019 and 2020. (2 year term)
Pat Giordano (Current Vice President) Letter on file
Claude Craig Letter received
Debbie Vance (Incumbent) Letter on file
William Wright Letter received
Northeast Regional Board Member
Deidra Moore (Incumbent) Runny unopposed/seeking re-election
Southeast Regional Board Member
Ricky Harlowe (Incumbent) Letter on file
Russ Palmer Letter on file
Metro Board Member
Barry Woodward (Incumbent) Letter on file
Melissa Alterio Letter received
Beginning in the 2019 Elections, voting will be conducted through ballots (by all active members) being cast on the web site. Each vote cast will be checked by the Secretary and Treasurer for verification of member being a paid up to date current member casting their vote.
Election results:
President – Pat Giordano
Secretary – Debbie Vance
Northeast Regional Board Member – Deidra Moore
Southeast Regional Board Member – Ricky Harlowe
Metro Board Member – Barry Woodward
Respectfully submitted
Debbie Vance, Secretary