President – Barry Woodward
Lt. J. Barry Woodward, Sr. is a 47 year veteran of Public Safety and has been with the City of Decatur Police Department as a Lieutenant in charge of the 911 Center for the last 13 years. Barry started his career with the State Civil Defense Office as a radio operator in 1972, then in August of 1973 went to work with the DeKalb County Police Department as a radio operator and rose through the ranks, retiring in March, 2003 with 30 years of service as the Deputy Director of Public Safety in charge of the 911 Center, and also as the Emergency Management Director for DeKalb County. Barry is a senior instructor and hold certifications in most instructor subjects including Communications, Firearms, EMD, ASP Baton, CPR, OC, and less than lethal weapons. He has received numerous awards over the years including the 2000 Governor’s Public Safety Award for outstanding service to the profession and received his Master Emergency Manager certification in 2008.